Understanding my child as a sensory seeker

sensory ball with smily face

Why does your child seek a variety of stimulations during their normal day-to-day activities? Kids seek simulations usually as an attempt to satisfy and regulate the nervous system. This thing is very important for children with autism spectrum disorder. However, it is very important to note that most sensory-seeking behaviors are harmless. Sometimes it can … Read more

Why do babies hate being covered?

why do babies hate being covered?

Can you discover why babies hate being covered? This is a fairly common concern for many sleep-deprived toddler parents. So you need to find a solution to stop your active toddler from kicking off the blanket while sleeping. They may maybe special reasons for your toddler’s hate for blankets and why they kick them off. … Read more

Handling techniques for your baby

Mom carries her baby away from the crib

The handling techniques are mainly designed to teach how to handle a baby correctly. Babies can have a proper understanding of their bodies and they can adjust to it if the parents and caregivers pick up and carry the baby properly. Your infant doesn’t have proper body awareness from the beginning of their life. So … Read more

Why does my toddler eat his diaper?

A baby wear a diaper and sit on a chair

Most kids start pulling little pieces off of the diaper or the side of the diaper while wearing it. They start eating it. They eat plastic as well. Most parents are unaware of how to stop it. Little baby kids stripped down and tossed their diapers into the toy bins and ran in celebration of … Read more

Why do baby eyebrows turn red when tired?

baby sleeps on her mom's shoulder

Do most parents worry that “why do baby eyebrows turn red when tired”? As parents, we need to catch our baby’s signs before they come too tired to sleep well. Actually, this is a brilliant Idea. All parents should early think about this very well especially when they first time parents. You should have the … Read more

About Chin

baby care and child development

Hi everyone and welcome to mybabycaresolutions.com. I am chinthaka. This may be a simple step toward making a giant business in the field of baby care and child development. We will provide you with reliable and practical guidance in managing your child softly and productively same as our competing colleagues I made my mission to … Read more