Infant gaze is a common right from birth. The facial features and expressions contain a wealth of information.
So if a baby is under proper development they have nice facial expressions and facial features relevant to their age.
But in certain situations, you may think why does my baby stare at me? The babies are naturally fixated on faces.
According to the research, babies follow the images of faces a lot.
It is part of differentiating their caregiver and the stranger. It can be a protective mechanism.
They can avoid dangerous situations and protect themselves by doing this. Even the babies start to crawl they look at their mother’s face and they will hesitate if the mother’s expressions are alarming a fear.
Also, babies take various environmental cues from faces. According to behavioral studies, babies avoid some toys when their mother shows negative facial expressions.
They always need to see the go-ahead attitude facial expression on their mother’s face when they just started to crawl.
Scientists and researchers say that staring at others’ faces is an adaptive response of babies and they try to learn emotions and use them as a method of socializing.
Your baby’s staring is a strong sign of their development. They stare at attractive people, moving objects, and contrasting colors a lot. Parents have a part in developing their infant’s gaze
Main reasons for babies staring at somebody
1. They are interested in attractive people
If your baby thinks that you are beautiful, they are staring at you. According to research investigations, babies and young infants spend more time with adults attractive faces. Hey!!! I am not kidding.
If you have distinct facial features you find a baby staring at you.
Also, babies stared at the pictures of the beautiful faces longer. If your baby decides that you are beautiful then they start staring at you.
Most all researchers found that babies are drawn to beautiful faces.They don’t care the society’s standards of beauty.
So if you think that your baby is constantly staring at you, because he/she thinks that there’s something special in you.
If you are a different individual from others by appearance
Think that you have a beard or colored hair. Sometimes you may have worn eyeglasses, then the baby will consider you as a different individual.
So here, the baby might be staring at you that you have a feature that they haven’t seen before. So their attitude is you are a fascinating person for them.
2. Babies are staring at moving objects and contrast colors
Babies are drawn to movement. They always keep their eye on the moving objects on the roads and sometimes in the moving selling fan or similar toy at their eyesight.
If you forcefully turn away from a moving abject then they try to regroup as they process a lot at the moment.
If your child moves away from a moving object, then don’t force him/her attention back to the object. Try to regroup them with the time.
As we mentioned, baby eyes go behind moving objects and contrast colors. Your baby is a rapid learner. Even a small thing is enough for them to fascinate about.
Normally babies catch on to the movement at the age of 3 months. This will help them to space out. Dear parents, you can create many activities with glittering objects and improve your kid’s eye contact.
So this kind of sensory movement is essential for your baby to improve their brain.
3. Babies like outstanding features in the environment
Those features may be glasses, colorful objects, earrings, colorful hair, different patterns, textures, and accessories that will catch your baby’s attention.
If you need to grow your baby’s brain rapidly, it is important to see different things while their brain is rapidly growing.
The baby’s gaze is an important part of development.
If a clinician needs to identify developmental health issues in a baby, they would assess the gaze of that child first.
This gaze is also considered a normal part of development. Most mothers say that their babies are not looking at them and their eyes at feeding time.
Sometimes when the mother speaks to them they won’t give responsive smile to them. That is a landmark observation to identify that a developmental issue is present with your kid.
Gaze initializes all the attachments and the sensory integration of your kid. Hearing, smell, and vision are the other associated senses to help the kid.
The absence of that sensory receiving at the age of two or three months should be addressed by a clinician.
If you notice that a baby is non-responsive to gaze and related activities, they may be showing signs and symptoms of neuro-developmental disabilities.
It also indicates other issues such as seizure disorders, retina damage, etc.
Dear parents, you need to restore a good social smile with your kid and try to think of various activity types to develop those abilities at the early stage of their development.
How can you improve gaze and eye contact related to staring for your baby
Mutual gaze is important between the baby and the parents. It takes time to find the right balance as each parent has their own needs and tendencies.
Tips for improving staring
- Don’t expect a focused look. Mostly gazing and staring is very short.
- Never force your baby to make eye contact when they are hungry or tired.
- Use wonderful ways to improve gaze-related eye contact with recreational activities. Your baby should be alert them.
- Start doing simple activities with your baby at the age of the first few months of their early life.
- So hold your baby at about 10-20 inches away from your face and facilitate eye gaze and focus.
- If your baby has a good staring ability, you can use that for improving social interaction. So you can smile, sing and talk to them.
- Do all those in the infant’s field of vision at first. You may experience these a bit awkward at the beginning.
- These meaningful interactions are registered in the brain and will directly impact their development.
- You can wait until your baby starts to look at you. After you can gradually start the communication with them.
- Here you can facilitate communication for your baby by pointing at the object and naming it.
Mutual gaze is very productive when it combines touch and voice. Use your face as a strong visual stimulus. As human face always does that.
You need to respect the sensory capacity of your kid. Some kids are hypersensitive and they will avoid eye contact to prevent sensory overload. To identify your kid first and do those activities well.
Final thoughts
The main reason for babies’ staring is that their brains are developing rapidly. It has happened at an exponential rate.
So it is highly effective for the babies of you can engage with them actively. This can be done with various creative activities and games.
Babies observe everything in their environment and their capability of staring is one strong evidence that their brain is developing fast.
But if you have any concerns about your baby’s staring, better to consult your pediatrician.